Thursday, March 25, 2010

Brady's Arrival!!!

Our life has completely changed---for the better! Brady William Whitworth arrived on March 1, 2010 at 12:59am. He was 8 lbs and 8 oz, 21.25 inches long. He has blue-gray eyes and dark brown hair. Above was my last belly shot at 40 weeks. Here is his story:

Saturday, February 27 was Brady's due date. After listening to several wive's tales that are supposed to put you into labor, I asked Markus to make spicy chili and then he dropped me off for a pedicure. That evening we were going to walk at the Mall of GA, but I was having some contractions so we ate dinner at the Chick-Fil-A near our house and then went to walk at Best Buy in Snellville (where the hospital is). After a call to the doctor, she said I needed to call back when the contractions were closer than 5 minutes and more painful. After 2 hours of walking, the contractions stopped and I pouted all the way home. I really wanted him to come on his due date. We went to bed, but I woke up at 4am and again at 5am to use the bathroom. When I woke up at 6am, it wasn't to go to the bathroom, it was 7 minute contractions! At 7am they were 6 minutes and at 8am they were 5 minutes and pretty serious. I kept trying to fall back asleep. All the books tell you that you'll be in early labor for a while so try to rest and stay at home as long as you can. Finally at 9am I couldn't take it any longer. The contractions were taking my breath at times and sometimes as close as 4 minutes apart. We called the doctor, took showers, and got to the hospital at 10:15. I was already at 3 centimeters and 100% effaced. At 12pm, they officially admitted us. At 2:45pm, the doctor broke my water (bizarre!) and I quickly moved to 4 centimeters. At 3pm we called our families to let them in on the good news. At 4pm they gave me the epidural (heaven!). At 4:30pm I was at 6 centimeters. From 6:30-8pm, Markus and I watched the Olympics, visited with my Mama and Debbie, and tried to rest. Around 7pm, they gave me some pitocin because my dilation was slowing. That made the contractions pick up again. At 9pm I was at 8 centimeters. By this point I was getting tired of being at the hospital and realized we probably weren't having a February Baby. At 10:30pm, we started pushing. Definitely the hardest part of the entire day, but only because you can't practice that part. I was weak, hungry, and so anxious. My nurse said we would definitely have a baby by 1am and that excited me! After 19 jours of labor, at 12:59am the doctor held the Baby up so Markus could tell me that we had a little boy! As they placed Brady on my chest, all I could think about was how it felt like a dream. He was beautiful and squirmy! Not at all like the scrunched up newborns you see on TLC's baby story. Markus ran to the lobby to tell the family the Baby was here and announced his name. We spent the next several hours staring at our Beautiful Baby Brady!