Sunday, October 4, 2009

Half-Way There - New photos and an update

I'm officially half-way today - 20 weeks - 5 full months!
I can't believe how fast it is going by!

Last week Markus and I got to see Baby Whitworth again! He/she showed off a beautiful arm and wiggled around a bit for us. The doctor said he/she is 10 ounces. I feel my sweet little baby move so often these days and we've even seen the movement in my tummy. It's very amazing! I love when he/she pokes at me when I'm sitting at a red light or reading an email as if to say "hey, don't forget I'm in here!"

A few weeks ago, my mom and dad came to help us clean out the study that we are making the nursery. We were so thankful for all their help, because now we can start working. We are painting that room and putting in hardwood floors. So much to do! I'm pretty sure I'm decorating with black/white/green. If it's a girl, we'll throw in some pink and if it's a boy, we'll continue with green.

Today, I finally broke down and went shopping. I hit the mall with my sister-in-law Julie and mother-in-law Debbie. My regular pants are so uncomfortable in the waist I had to look for some baby bump friendly pants.

Baby Whitworth at 18 weeks and belly shot at 19 weeks:

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